Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Personal qualities you must have at a job interview.

If you know you can handle the job, you are probably the employee the employer wants.  All you have to do is make them aware of your potential.
The following behavioral qualities can offset job experience and qualification requirements at a job interview:
Confidence – If you are confident in yourself, others will notice it.  If you believe in yourself, it is easy for others to believe in you.
Positive Attitude –A positive attitude immediately sets a productive tone in an interview.  This in turn gives the employer some insight into your potential within a productive employment environment.
Compatible Personality – As I stated earlier, managers habitually hire people they like.  They also avoid applicants with potential personality conflicts.  This can be a tough quality to work on.  Personalities usually either click or clash, but you can always present yourself as a team player with the willingness for change.
Industry Awareness – General industry awareness pertaining to current trends and events can go a long way in showing your motivation to learn and grow within the field with which you are applying.
Lateral Leadership – Leadership is universally applicable across any field of work.  If you’ve been successful in a leadership role, even in a setting lateral to the one you are applying for, it’s worth mentioning in an interview.
Communication Skills – Without them, you lose.  Straightforward, intelligent communication makes you look confident, prepared, and trustworthy.  Be audible without mumbling your words. It gives you the ability to sell yourself to an employer.
Lifestyle Stability – Possessing a stable track record with past jobs, schooling, and even the law always works in your favor.  Employers look at stability as a measure of your loyalty to others.
Appearance and Dress – While appearance isn’t everything, it can make you look older, smarter and more emotionally mature.
Open Minded Flexibility – All an employer really wants is someone who gets the job done. Displaying a flexible and open minded willingness to adapt to new environments and tasks makes you look like someone who could get any job done.
Appear friendly – Showing the interviewer a certain level of friendly sentiment toward a topic that naturally arises during the interview can help you out.  It gives the interviewer the perception that you are able to look at things in a positive light. People with a likeable personality stand out from the crowd.
Determination – Make the interviewer know that you are not a quitter and that you always finish the tasks you start.
Courteous Manners – People typically have a positive reaction toward someone who displays respectful gestures and courteous manners.  It displays your ability to get along well with others.  When placed in front of a client or business partner, an employer wants to know that their employees are courteous and well mannered.

Credit to Elite Careers Choice