Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tanzania Women Bank Seeks to List Through New Window at DSE


DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania Women Bank (TWB) has confirmed that it will be one of the first financial facilities to list at the newly introduced Enterprise Growth Market (EGM) of the Dar es Stock Exchange (DSE).
The TWB's Executive Director, Ms Margreth Chacha said in an interview that the bank's move to go public aims to extend its ownership wings as well as grabbing cheap source of capital through the issuance of shares.


Tanzania's second bourse segment, EGM, is expected to start before end of the year. The idea behind the market is aimed at facilitating those firms which do not qualify to list at the main market.
Several firms according to the DSE have expressed interest to list at the new facility to explore the opportunities offered including the cheap source of capital.
However, DSE declined to disclose the names of the firms because they were yet to complete their prospectus.