Friday, September 14, 2012


Ajira toka SUMATRA Consumer Consultative Council

SUMATRA Consumer Consultative Council is established under Section 29 of The Surface and
Marine Transport Regulatory Authority [SUMATRA] Act, Act No. 9 of 2001.
The functions of the Council include:-
Representing the interests of Consumers by making submissions to, providing views
and information to and consulting with the Authority, Minister and Sector Ministers.
Receiving and disseminating information and views on matters of interest to
consumers of regulated goods and services.
Establishing regional and sector consumers committees and consult with them.
Consulting with industry; government and other consumer groups on matters of
interests to consumers of regulated goods and services.
Establishing local and sector consumer committees and consult with them.
SUMATRA Consumer Consultative Council seeks to employ  a  competent, self motivated  and
committed candidate who meet the minimum qualifications stated herein below to fill the under
mentioned vacant position.


i. To develop and monitor Consumer Education programs.
ii. To develop well organized and creative Public Relation policy and programmes for the
iii. To co-ordinate outreach programs conducted by Regional Consumer Committees
established by the Council in different Regions Tanzania Mainland.
iv. To organize Awareness creation on Consumer Rights and Obligations  according to the
needs of the Council

v. To co-ordinate  Council’s  all public relations in line with approved policies and
vi. To advise on development and printing  promotional  materials such as pamphlets,
booklets and other written newsletters.
vii. To ensure efficient and proper responses to written enquiries by customers and the
general public.
viii. To perform any other duties and responsibilities as instructed by  his/her immediate

i. Holder of  Bachelor’s Degree in  Mass Communication/ Journalism, Law, Education,
Transport or any other related field from a recognized university.
ii. At least three (3) years working experience in relevant field.
iii. Must be computer literate.
iv. Good communication and interpersonal skills.
v. Self motivated with integrity and high level of confidentiality.

Terms of Employment: 3 years contract renewable on the basis of performance.


i. Movement of files and documents and transmission of messages within the  Council’s
offices and outside.
ii. To prepare logistics for the Council Meetings and Stakeholders Meetings.
iii. To receive and file in coming mails and dispatch out going mail
iv. Photocopying and binding official documents.
v. Transportation of machinery equipment, furniture and stationeries as may be required by
vi. To keep the office neat and tide.
vii. To prepare and serve tea or coffee to the employees/staff and visitors
viii. To perform any other duties and responsibilities as instructed by his/her supervisor.3

i. At least holder of Form Six (VI) Secondary School Certificates.
ii. At least two (2) years working experience in relevant field.
iii. Must be computer literate.
iv. Good communication and interpersonal skills.
v. Self motivated with integrity and high level of confidentiality.
Terms of Employment: 3 years contract renewable on the basis of performance.

Interested candidates who meet  minimum qualifications and experience should submit an
application letter to the undersigned. The application letter should be accompanied by detailed
CV, Certified Certificates and names and contact of three professional referees with their postal
addresses, telephone numbers and email (if any) not later than 21 days from the date of the first
publication of this advertisement in newspapers and addressed to:

The Executive Secretary
SUMATRA Consumer Consultative Council
Sokoine Drive
NSSF Waterfront Building
P.o Box 14154
Dar es Salaam.